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School Safety & Climate


Every child is entitled to feel safe in their classroom, on the playground, school bus and in the hallway. But unfortunately, bullying is a serious problem among students across our nation. It comes in many forms; physical, verbal, social and cyber. When someone repeatedly hurts or threatens another person on purpose, it has serious consequences and is not tolerated nor acceptable at BIE schools.

BIE is committed to providing all students with a safe and supportive learning environment. All teachers, administrators, students and parents must work together to eliminate unacceptable bullying and harassing behavior. For everyone to do their part to stop bullying, learn more.

BIE Resources

Safe at School report  
Bullying PowerPoint - Developed by the Office of Justice Services




Find School Safety Resources | SchoolSafety.gov

Parent and Educator Guide to School Climate 041019 (PDF)


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