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Performance - Data & Statistics

State Performance Plan (SPP) and Annual Performance Reports (APR)

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act requires that each state develop a SPP/APR that evaluates the state's efforts to implement the requirements and purposes of IDEA and describe how the state will improve its implementation and results for children with disabilities. 

States, including the BIE, are required to publicly report APR data that describes progress or slippage in meeting the measurable targets set in the SPP. In addition, the Office of Special Education Programs of the U.S. Department of Education will provide an annual determination of the state's efforts to meet the requirements of IDEA. 

Click on this link to view the State Performance Plans (SPP) Letters and Annual Performance Report (APR) Letters. Use the "Select State" then click on Bureau of Indian Education. This will lead you to the BIE's SPP/APR for FFY 2014 through FFY 2020 and OSEP’s response to the SPP/APR, also known as the Determination Letter.

Local Educational Agency (LEA)

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 2004) requires each state to report annually to the public on the performance of each Local Educational Agency (LEA) located in the state on the targets established in the State Performance Plan. The purpose of The BIE Special Educations Annual Reports is to provide information on the data indicators that measure both the State and individual LEA annual progress compared to the targets established in the State Performance Plan (SPP).

Public Reporting of Assessment Data for Students with Disabilities

Participation in Assessments - "Under 300.160(a) of IDEA regulations, a State must ensure that all children with disabilities are included in all general State and district-wide assessment programs, including assessments with appropriate accommodations and alternate assessments, if necessary, as indicated in the student's respective IEP."

Reporting of Assessment Data - Under §300.160 (f) of IDEA regulations, "States are required to make available to the public, and report to the public with the same frequency and in the same detail as it reports on the assessment of nondisabled children."

The BIE has posted the most current assessment data for Students with Disabilities for FFY2021 (SY2021-2022). The assessment data are counts for students with disabilities participating in state assessments and their performance on those assessments. The counts are by: School, Grade level, Alternate Assessment, Participation, Participation in Regular Assessment with Accommodations and Participation in Regular Assessment without Accommodations. 

Please note that the BIE adheres to a suppression rule of ten. This means the BIE will not report data on ten or fewer students.

SPP/APR Indicator Performance for BIE Schools 

Individuals with Disabilities Education ACT (IDEA) Data

In accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), as amended in 2004, the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) requires public reporting of all data submitted under Section 618. Click on this link to view the BIE's IDEA Part B data. You may select a data collection within the tab called, "Static Tables" to view data such as: Assessment, Child Count and Educational Environments, Discipline, Dispute Resolution, Exiting, Coordinated Early Intervening Services and Personnel.

To view data select the data collection title and the school year. An excel spreadsheet will download with the data for all states, including the BIE. Look for the Bureau of Indian Education in the list.


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