Helping with homework, attending sporting events, making class cupcakes on short notice – parents and guardians support their children in a multitude of ways throughout their education.
The Bureau of Indian Education recognizes the vital role caregivers play as a partner in education and honors that commitment on National Parent Involvement Day on November 16.
The BIE’s Family and Child Education program relies upon collaboration with parents throughout the year to achieve a shared mission. FACE is a program for children from birth through the 3rd grade and adults seeking a general education diploma or career training and placement.
The program is designed to provide parents and caregivers with the academic resources to help them support their children’s education as well as enhance communication between families and educators.
The FACE program supports parents and primary caregivers in their role as their child’s first and most influential teacher through academic resources. The program’s goals include increasing family literacy; strengthening family-school-community connections; promoting the early identification and services to children with special needs; increasing parent participation in their child's learning; supporting and celebrating the unique cultural and linguistic diversity of each American Indian community served by the program; and promoting lifelong learning.
Since parent involvement affects students at every level of education, building parents’ knowledge of learning strategies and reinforcing the essential partnership between schools and families early on supports a child’s academic career from the beginning and bridges classroom curriculum and at-home learning.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, students are healthier and more successful in school when parents and school staff work together. Students are more likely to have higher grades and test scores, better student behavior, and enhanced social skills.
Celebrate Parent Involvement Day at home by reading with children, helping with homework, and discussing school events – or at school by attending functions and participating in school organizations.
The BIE thanks all parents, caregivers, and community members for their continued partnership and involvement in helping our next generation of learners succeed.
Learn more about the BIE FACE program at Your Child's Early Education