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The Commission on Native Children Virtual Hearing.

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The Alyce Spotted Bear and Walter Soboleff Commission on Native Children was established by Congress as an independent federal entity charged with conducting a comprehensive study of federal, state, local, and tribal programs and developing recommendations on solutions that would improve the health, safety, and well‐being of Native Children.

Virtual Hearing Overview

This panel will serve as an overview of jurisdiction related to Indian child welfare.  Tribal courts also have jurisdiction over Native families where child welfare concerns occur, both in dependency and delinquency.  The Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 affects child welfare cases in state courts, where states have jurisdiction over Native families, resulting in a need for effective collaboration to protect Native children in those cases.   During this panel, researchers will present the current status of jurisdiction related to Indian child welfare, and the second part of the panel will discuss innovative practices and approaches to successful state and tribal collaboration that have resulted in better outcomes for Native children and families in child welfare proceeding.  This panel is the second of four panels that will address various issues related to Indian child welfare, including overview of child maltreatment and impact of ICWA, prevention, improvements to child welfare systems to reduce disproportionality (including IVE) and building tribal capacity to address child welfare issues.   

Register Today

Please register in advance by clicking on the link below. Once registered, you will receive information on how to join. The virtual hearing is designed for the Commissioners to engage with the panelists and their presentations. Attendees will be in listen-in only mode. Please share this invitation with your colleagues.

When: August 5, 2022, 02:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) - Copy and paste links into the web browser.


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