Through the Great American Outdoors Act, the Department of the Interior invests in much-needed maintenance for critical facilities and infrastructure in our national parks, forests, wildlife refuges, recreation areas and schools managed by the Bureau of Indian Education. Importantly, the Department is also honoring our commitment to Tribal communities by investing in BIE-funded schools for current and future generations.
GAOA established the National Parks and Public Land Legacy Restoration Fund to address overdue maintenance needs. GAOA also permanently authorized funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund — a separate fund aimed at safeguarding our natural areas and cultural heritage. GAOA LRF authorizes up to $1.9 billion annually for five years to fund deferred maintenance projects, investments that will also benefit underserved communities. BIE also receives 5% or $95M annually to address priority deferred maintenance projects.
Legacy Restoration Fund
The Great American Outdoors Act Legacy Restoration Fund provides up to $1.6 billion a year for five years to help address a multi-billion-dollar deferred maintenance backlog at national parks, on other public lands, and at tribal schools.
GAOA LRF projects fund the repair and maintenance of a wide range of Department of the Interior assets, including campsites, trails, roads, bridges, parking lots, BIE-funded school facilities, water and wastewater systems, energy systems, communications infrastructure and more. Project selection for GAOA LRF is based on four key criteria: maximizing the number of citizens served, improving financial health, protecting those we serve and planning for the future by repairing and modernizing Interior assets. These criteria help to ensure that GAOA LRF projects support the Interior’s mission while having the greatest impact possible. This investment also helps prevent assets at BIE-funded schools from falling into disrepair and interrupting student learning and housing.
Information for Contractors
LRF-funded projects will create both short- and long-term job opportunities, providing an economic boost to underserved communities.
A list of Interior’s FY21-25 deferred maintenance projects is available on the Great American Outdoors Act page.