Free Student Educational Resources
Core Knowledge- Online Core Knowledge Foundation Resources.
Davis Art- Access to digital resources.
Discovery Education Access to Discovery Education Experience.
Energize Schools- Virtual distance learning resources
Capstone Publishing Resources available during school closures.
McGraw-Hill- Support for remote learning.
Proliteracy/NewReadersPress Online solutions to assist learning remotely.
Quaver Music- Online music assignments.
The Art of Education- Weekly Webinars.
Twig Education -Students can access thousands of videos (in English/Spanish), lessons, activities, and visuals wherever they are.
Vista Higher Learning- Resources for K-12
Zaner-Bloser- Handwriting for Grades K-2
Above is a non-comprehensive list of publishers offering free student resources. The Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) does not endorse or specifically recommend these resource. Users should carefully conduct their own evaluation based upon their own specific needs and the appropriateness of the resources offered. BIE schools are not mandated to utilize the above materials.